The Danish Gambling Authority (DGA), also known as Spillemyndigheden, has attained a significant legal milestone by securing a court order in Næstved, seeking to render 83 websites offering illicit gambling services in Denmark inaccessible. This instance is noteworthy as it marks the 10th occasion that the Regulatory Authority has had recourse to legal means to impede illegal platforms, reflecting an upswing in efforts to eliminate unauthorized gambling sites.
The Authority is Set to Heighten Its Countermeasures
The Gambling Authority has shown increased rigour and tenacity in blocking illicit websites offering betting and online casino services to Danish consumers without the requisite permissions, post the semi-liberalization of the Danish gambling market in 2012. The verdict issued on 15 February 2024 consolidated the Authority’s standpoint, bringing the total number of illicit sites rendered inaccessible since 2012 to 359.
The unparalleled action in 2024 to block 83 websites in one year supersedes the previous record set in 2022 when 82 websites were blocked. The Regulatory Authority’s Director, Anders Dorph, foresees additional measures in 2024, in the hopes that escalating surveillance and more frequent blocks will engineer a positive shift and deter potential transgressions.
We have escalated our efforts to close down the illegal sites such that we now achieve blocks biannually rather than annually as in the past.
Anders Dorph, Director DGA
Dorph underscored the importance of this amplified endeavour with a view to decreasing the duration for which Danish players are vulnerable to illegal gambling activities. He expressed a particular concern for susceptible groups specifically, minors and the youth, who are frequently targeted by illegitimate sites with lenient age proof requirements and an offering of games which attract a younger demographic, such as skin betting.
The DGA’s Steadfast Commitment to Player Security
The Gambling Authority employs a diversity of tactics to find illegal sites. Techniques such as automated searches, notices from citizens and businesses as well as constant monitoring of the market contribute to detection efforts. Once identified, the Gambling Authority informs the website owners and asks them to halt their activities. If a gambling operator does not comply, the Authority procures court orders to impede the illegal site.
Operating games in Denmark or aiming at the Danish market without the appropriate license from the Gambling Authority is illegal. Certain factors, including use of the Danish language, currency, payment methods, customer service, accessing through Steam, and game choice, determine if a game is deemed as targeting Denmark. The interdicted websites primarily offer conventional casino games such as roulette, slot machines, poker, and betting.
The Gambling Authority advises players to affirm the legitimacy of a gaming provider by verifying the presence of the authority’s certification mark on the provider’s website and promotional materials. This preventive measure aims to protect consumers and preserve the integrity of Denmark’s regulated gambling market.