No Casinos, Inc., a dedicated opposition group against the expansion of gambling in Florida, is steadfast in its mission using varied strategies and platforms. Their goal is to question and annul the tribal gaming agreement, which if approved, would provide the Seminole Tribe with exclusive rights over mobile and retail sportsbooks in the state. This ongoing legal battle presents the newest episode in the enduring debate over sports betting in Florida.
The Organization Wields Considerable Influence
No Casinos, Inc. played a pivotal role in authoring a constitutional amendment to halt the expansion of casino gambling unless explicit approval from voters is obtained. In 2018, the company launched a triumphant campaign to include this provision in Florida’s constitution, earning an impressive endorsement from 71% of the voters. The amendment was designed to clearly delineate limits for gambling expansion.
However, a subsequent unexpected development saw Governor Ron DeSantis entering a gaming compact with the Seminole Tribe in three years’ time, thereby sanctioning them to enhance their casino activities and commence sports betting ventures. The agreement was intended to authorize the tribe to engage in online sports bets given that the sportsbook servers were hosted on tribal land.
This Latest Standoff Promises to Add More Delays to Florida Sports Betting
This new intervention from No Casinos aligns with a complex legal battle that has spanned several years, relegating Florida as one of the largest US states without a regulated sports betting framework. Detractors, spearheaded by pari-mutuel operators, West Flagler Associates, have questioned the compact in federal court. They claim that granting online betting violates the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act’s ban on gaming outside of reservations.
No Casino maintains that the tribal gaming agreement breached the constitutional amendment they had earlier successfully advocated for. They assert that this agreement, along with the enabling laws passed by the state legislature, should be annulled. The group insists that the responsibility lies with the state supreme court to decide the legality of this model within Florida’s legal system.
The idea that “Indian lands” exist wherever a mobile phone with a gambling app is located is a glaring attempt to legislate in an area that is actually beyond the purview of the Governor or the Legislature.
No Casinos, Inc. statement
The Seminole Tribe has communicated that it has no plans to respond to the case in the US Supreme Court. Their position is derived from their initial endeavors to assert sovereign immunity and the DC Circuit’s dismissal of such attempts while upholding the original compact. The lawyers from the tribe indicated their preparedness to file a response if the US Supreme Court demanded so.
The legal tussle over Florida’s sports betting legislation has taken a fresh direction, with No Casinos, Inc. stepping into the arena. This move is bound to result in further delays in introducing legal sports betting in Florida, as multiple entities rise to challenge the tribal gaming compact. Florida’s populace and industry insiders are eagerly anticipating the verdict, which will determine the trajectory of sports betting in the Sunshine State.